Centertown - Communities of Cole County |
CENTRE TOWN (elevation 848 feet) (now Centretown)
Centre Town was surveyed by William VOGDT in 1867, and acknowledged by William S. FRESHOUR. North of the railroad, Marion and Monroe Streets (intersected by High, which parallels the railroad), Mill and Pine Streets are shown, while south of the track Main Street is a continuation of the California and Jefferson State road. The owner's residence in the angle between the Marion and California roads, a store at the corner of Main Street, south of depot grounds, a store north of the depot, WEAVER's dwelling, north of the track and east of depot, formed most of the town. Noah HOOVER's addition was made in 1872; John F. FLESSA's addition was surveyed by George B. RANSOM, and acknowledged in April, 1872. The town site was first occupied in 1852, by Judge FRESHOUR, who erected his house north of the railroad. John WEAVER bought his present home about 1860. After the town was surveyed Dr. JAMES purchased a lot and built his house; J. J. FLESSA and Dr. DUNLAP purchased shortly after; Allen B. PORCH came here some time later; O. R. Smith, the railroad agent, also purchased property here and built, and Jasper MCKENNEY owned the present MURRAY property. Judge FRESHOUR opened the first store before the war, near his present residence; GATLIFF & WEAVER's store was also opened, but during the war Federal troops carried away the stock.
The first hotel was kept at Judge FRESHOUR's old house from 1852 to the beginning of the war, when the family moved to St. Louis. Mr. PARE opened a hotel after the war, in the same house in which Mr. GREENUP now carries on the City Hotel, the only hotel in the town.
The coal mines, two and one-half miles north, were worked years ago by James DUNNICA. For some years after the war George WILFORD worked the deposit until it was exhausted. Two miles south are the Street lead mines. The depot was burned two years ago, when some of the records were destroyed. The earliest agent was O. R. SMITH. August 22, 1888, came A. R. FULLER, the present agent.
The fire of August, 1888, destroyed property of A. A. CAMPBELL, Judge FRESHOUR and August SEYFFERT. Mont. PARE also lost his store building.
The FLESSA Flouring Mills were erected about the time Centre Town was surveyed, as a two-buhr mill, subsequently increased to three buhrs, and in 1886 the roller system was introduced. At this time, also, J. J. FLESSA became a partner with his father. The capacity is about thirty-five barrels per ten hours.
Churches.-The Baptist Church of Centre Town was constituted before the war by Rev. William CLARK. Among the members were Judge and Mrs. FRESHOUR, Q. C. GREEN and wife, Mrs. Electa FLETCHER, William CLARK and wife, Josiah JOHNSON and wife, Lewis BAIRD and wife, and two others. The new society began the erection of a church building immediately, one-half mile east of the present town; but, the war coming up, it was not completed until about 1870. The pastors have been John WOOD, who preached here one year during the war; Messrs. MAXEY and JOHNSON preached each two terms; J. B. BOX, who preached here four years; Mr. LETTS served the church for four years, followed by Mr. LUMPKIN, and in 1888 came Rev. John PRICE, of California. The membership is about seventy.
The German Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded at Centre Town about seventeen years ago. Among the old members were J. F. FLESSA and wife, John BLOCHBARGER, John POPE, Sr., John HENRIECHS, Adam ORDNUNG, A. KNERSSHIELD, J. DALSTEIN, C. BUSCH, F. BUSCH and J. RICHEL.
The Evangelist Church seven miles southwest of Centre Town was subsequently formed, and into this new society a number from the Centre Town Church entered. Among the pastors were Mr. DERSCHNER, Mr. NOLTE and George FICKENCHER, the present pastor. The adult membership is fifteen. The church house was built about the time of organization, one-half mile west of the town.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Centre Town was organized in the summer of 1880, by Rev. W. H. WILSON. By January, 1881, the society had completed a church building, and claimed a membership of forty. Mrs. W. C, YOUNG presented the silver communion service.
It is situated at Sec. 25, Twp. 45 N, Range 14 West at the junction of Highways 50 & NN.
Centretown, on the Missouri Pacific Railway, in Marion township, l5 miles northwest of Jefferson City, the judicial seat, 10 from California, the banking point. Population 290.
A. O. U. W.
Apperson, D. A., butcher.
Baptist church.
Blochberger & Co., blacksmith.
Bohon, R. L., poultry breeder and dealer.
Busch & Busch., blacksmiths.
Chambers. J. J., flour and feed.
Cumberland Presbyterian church.
Direkx, C. A., general store.
Flessa, J. J., carpenter.
Gabert, H., stock breeder.
Garnett & Bondelier, stock dealers.
Gatliff. J. W., painter.
Gatliff & Schull, blacksmiths and farm implements.
German Evangelical church.
Hathorn. D. L., groceries.
Hulick & Yows, physicians.
Hunter & Stevens, lumber dealers.
Laudeman, B., millinery.
Lansdown, B. W., general store.
Leonard, J., coal mines.
Loudeman, B., shoemaker.
Markham & Anderson, livery.
Opel, J. N., & Co., flour and grist mills.
Public schools.
Pacific Express Co.
Reden, A. T., express agent.
Riner, J. W., coal mine owner.
Ritchie, William, coal mines.
Schubert, F., saw mill.
Sullivan, J., coal mines.
Swangin, Lem., coal mines.
Todd, J. W., barber.
Urban, W. M., saloon and hotel.
Western Union Telegraph Co.
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